Obesity is a body mass index of > 30%. There are lots of charts you can google which will help you determine your body mass index which is determined by your height and weight. Diet.com has one of these calculator charts about halfway down their home page on the right side.
syl c.
Operational definitions of obesity in adults are derived from statistical data analyzing the association between body mass and the risk of acute and long-term morbidity and mortality. Because acute medical complications of obesity are less common in children and adolescents than in adults, and because longitudinal data on the relation between childhood weight and adult morbidity and mortality are more difficult to interpret, no single definition of obesity in childhood and adolescence has gained universal approval.
Hope this helps.
john e russo md facm faafp
In 1998 the National Institutes of Health compared the Body Mass Index (weight in kilograms divided by height in meters squared) of those of European descent age 25 and older with the probability of adverse health events predominantly cardiovascular disease. A BMI of less than 18.5 kg/M2 is underweight status and associated with adverse health outcomes. A BMI of 18.5 to 25 kg/M2 is considered 'ideal'. A BMI of 25 to 30 kg/M2 is considered over-weight status with a low level of health risk. A BMI of 30 to 35 kg/M2 is level 1 obesity, a BMI of 35 to 40 kg/dM is level 2 obesity, and a BMI greater than 40 kg/M2 is level 3 or morbid obesity. The increase in health risk above a BMI of 30 kg/M2 is exponential rather than linear. A BMI of greater than 40 kg/M2 is considered to be genetic in origin and carries profound adverse health consequences. As the BMI was put into use it was quickly discovered that individuals of other ethnicities have different outcomes at a given BMI than those of European descent. Blacks, Latinos (Mexico, Central America, and South America but not Spain), Indian sub-continent including Pakistan, and Asians have adverse health consequences with lower BMIs than the reference range given above. Unfortunately it takes times to follow individuals long enough for events to occur so there are as yet no well defined BMI values for individuals other than those of European descent. For those younger than age 25 we have no well defined guidelines instead relying upon percentile rankings which are dependent upon age and gender. A percentile ranking of 95th and above suggests a very high probability of a BMI greater than 30 kg/M2 as an adult. If you type 'body mass index' into any search engine you will receive multiple websites that will calculate the BMI for you. If you query the American Academy of Pediatrics website you will find the normograms / graphs that define percentile rankings. If I may be of further assistance please let me know. I wish you and your family the very best of health and in all things may God bless. JR
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Orignal From: can anyone help me with the operational definition in regards to obesity? My son needs help for school?
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