Box Xy
tell him he is a fat fuck and to lose some fucking ass weight. SHIT!
Robert Plant
Punch him... Run away...
He will chase you, but he will be too slow to catch you...
Repeat this process a few times daily, for a few weeks...
He will begin to burn fat, then he will catch you, pummel you, and then thank you.
(I take no responsibility for any heart attacks that may take place during my weight loss programs.)
You are not going to help your over-sized friend defeat his problems. It's far too late and his size is going to keep him from living a full life anyway.
This may sound hard but there's an option of saving money. There's another one of winning the lottery!
There is is this application & the link! -
There's a huge possibility !!!!!!!!
Lune F
First off, you could try to set up physical activities to do with him, fun things like hikes or playing games or whatever you might like to do together. Plan physical things so that he won't see activity as a punishment, but as a great opportunity to spend time with his friend. Maybe go to see a nutritionist to help him get on a good plan to lose weight in a healthy way.
I know how it feels to have to urinate often (I have a condition which sometimes makes me have to go constantly...) and it is not pleasant. Is there another type of medication he could take? Maybe he could talk to a doctor about that.
If you think that the surgery is the only way, sit him down and tell him that you really care about him and would be incredibly sad if he were not in your life. Tell him that if he doesn't want to do it for himself, then please consider the people who love/care about him. It wouldn't hurt for him to atleast ASK his insurance provider if they would cover the cost of the surgery, so he should atleast do that. Tell him that although surgery can be dangerous AS LONG AS YOU GO TO A REPUTIBLE SURGEON that it could help him in the long run.
Surgery should be a last resort. I reccomend a nutritionist or seeing a doctor first, which will be much cheaper and much less dangerous. If he is reluctant, just kindly, but firmly, let him know how important his health and wellbeing are to you.
Orignal From: How can I help A Morbid Obesity man see his problem?
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