
How do you all feel about "fat" people having babies?

How do you all feel about "fat" people having babies?I hate the term fat or obese but I was out drinking with friends and the subject came up. I was very surprised by some responses. How do you personally feel about women who are overweight and otherwise healthy having babies? Do you think they should loose weight first or go for it?

todd k
if they want to have sex and get knocked up? more power to em!

im just saying...
wouldnt that be a GREAT motivation to loose weight????

Is none of my business if anyone has a baby except for those dear and near to me..........fat or skinny .......will they love them and take care of them ? that's your answer!

I happy for any woman that become pregnant. I was unable to have kids, so I can't knock any woman that does regardless what condition she is in. i just don't understand women that do drugs and drink while pregnant. That's just wrong.

I think it is 'their' business, not mine.

Their weight, their baby, their life.

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