There are some great foods on the market now for overweight dogs as well as senior dogs...why don't you call your vet and have him suggest a few brands for you to try...
a vet is the one to talk to. you can start by cutting down the daily food big time. need to exercise by walking and running a bit (if she can...) you need to talk to a vet that can give you the direct advice on what food to buy and how to make her loose weight. Shes in your hands now, make the right decision pls.
i would call and ask your vet for the best type of diet food and get the dog as much excersise as you can.
running will help, so will daily walks.
swimming is extremely helpful also.
good luck! =)
(and once your dog does lose the weight don't let it get that far again)
walk her! put her on a strict diet. ask your vet the best diet food and how often she should be fed. you need to walk her a few times a day. LONG walks. at least 30 mins to an hour. And then you need to play with her. Throw the ball let her chase it. How could you let her get this way? If you cant afford to properly take care of a dog, then maybe you need to find her a home who can.
If she's 8 years old, very over-weight and it hurts her to get up, she needs to get to a vet for a check-up to find out if she has arthritis. It sure sounds like it.
As for losing weight, cut down on how much you feed her!!! Don't give her any snacks because they're pretty high calorie. If you need to give her treats, give her fresh or frozen vegetables like carrots or green beans.
Exercise her - that also doesn't cost any money. But just like with a person who's obese and out of shape, you need to start her out relatively slowly and build up her tolerance, both for speed and endurance.
But the first thing you need to do is get her checked out. If she has arthritis, she needs to be on glucosamine chondroitin, and possibly also prescription meds to control her pain.
Orignal From: I need to put my obese dog on a diet?
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