
Why do women drink so much in England?

Why do women drink so much in England?What's wrong with women from here? they drink ridiculous amounts. Is it any wonder why we have an obesity epidemic when women drink so much? Personally I think it's because feminism has failed and they want to go back to the good old days where they stayed at home and looked after the children.

how general...pft

BC outside
they need beer goggles too, the men are fat as well as the women

Maybe because its a part of their culture

Are you sad that a woman drank you under the table? Is that why your question is laced with such vitriol?

People drink because it's available regardless whether they are male, female or hermaphrodites. Beyond that, you can find a myriad of excuses/reasons why people drink which we cannot cover in such a generalized question.

Cutie_wiv_a_booty x
haha tell me about it.. im from here as well, you see them everywhere. they knwo the govement will be there to give them fliflops and hugs.

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