
Did you know thar's a virus that's a causin Obesity?

Did you know thar's a virus that's a causin Obesity?I seed in the news papers (yeah, I can read) that thar's a virus been found "Adenovirus-36" that's a causin Obsesity in us human folks!
I believe that them thar Oriental and Mexican folks is a puttin that virus in the "all you can eat" buffets in thems restuarants. Me and my wife, Charlene has a been eatin at them buffets and we sure been apackin on the pounds! Charlene done went and shot up to over 200 lbs. I ain't got quite that bad yet, as I gets out and works the farm and gets excercise. But Charlene wants to layz around all day and watch her soaps on the TV. My hound dog, Bocephus is a gettin alittle plump from the leftovers we been a bringin home and feedin to him.
I believe that thems Vietnamese and Mexicans is a "fattin us up fur the kill", and soon's as we get fat enough, they'll take over America without a fire'in a shot!

This whole question just proves that Americans aren't as smart as they think they are.

Thanks for the points.

its the buffets that are going to get you not the orientals or Mexicans

This is a good joke...thanks for the laugh...I needed it.

naw your just a fatass grow up and deal with it stop blameing other people for your faults no one is forceing you at gun point to eat at the buffet

La-urn how ta taulk woight.

translation : Learn how to talk right.

That article is rubbish by the way.

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Orignal From: Did you know thar's a virus that's a causin Obesity?

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