
To lower healthcare costs, will we have to cut treatments to obese Americans?

To lower healthcare costs, will we have to cut treatments to obese Americans?And smokers?

We need to also regulate the clinics.

There are some inequities in the current system, but I oppose providing free health care to people who have caused their own illnesses. Should we have paid for Michael Jackson's new nose because he had so many cosmetic surgeries that his old nose fell off?

Insurance covers RISK. If we cover for pre-existing conditions, then there is no element of insurance; it is just welfare. There should be some form of coverage (welfare) for those who have a pre-existing condition that is not his fault, such as spina bifida, sickle-cell disease, hemophilia, or congenital heart disease, to name a few examples. But I have a problem with covering people who have lung cancer, cirrhosis of the liver or even HIV, when the person was previously healthy, but decided to make car payments on a second car instead of buying insurance when he was able to do so.

Maybe there could be a high risk pool for people with pre-existing conditions. Regular insurance companies could write the policies, and they would be paid for partly by the insured, and partly by the government, when the insured cannot afford the entire premium.

and alcholics, people with mental disabilities, people who get skin cancer from taning.People who catch colds because they didn't wear a coat on a cold day. Please, I could go on and on.

Isn't Obesity essentially a "pre-existing condition" and therefore we should be doing more to make sure that they get all of the coverage they need at no additional premium costs?

My point simply being that we all need to make sure that we are looking at the entire picture. The last thing we need is discrimination in coverage based on bias. What really distinguishes an obese person that needs care and a mountain climber that needs care for a fractured leg and serious frostbite? Personal lifestyle choices are different for each person.

The way to solve the issue of preexisting conditions is to make sure to have coverage before the emergency happens. It's just like life insurance, car insurance, home insurance, etc.

george 2
also anybody over the age of 65, unplanned kids, premature kids, handicapped people.

I'm sure we can find something wrong with you to deny you health care.

What do you think? Answer below! Discover the facts about obesity , including its most common causes, the effects on health and steps you can take to lose weight.  Your Online Source for Credible Health Information.

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