
What is the best way to deal with obesity in the US?

What is the best way to deal with obesity in the US?Im researching this topic for a critical thinking class and would like to read some different points of view. Some things to think about are "is it ok to be obese if you are comfortable with yourself" and " How does WIC and Food Stamps play into obesity". The media and how they advertise is also good to think about. Thanks in advance!

The government should make laws against Fast Food places forcing them to make their food healthier...but that will never happen. They should also make free programs to help people lose weight and kids should be encouraged to be fit at a younger age before its too late. Parents are too blame for their fat and lazy kids as much as the kids are.

There is a lot of information at http://stayinformed.info/health/weightcontrol.htm. It is one perspective that worked extremely well for me. I have not had a weight problem for 3 years.

ABC News had a video out "How To Get Fat Without Really Trying". It's a short, but to the point video. Would really help you with your critical thinking class. Follow the link to see it.

Add your own answer in the comments! Discover the facts about obesity , including its most common causes, the effects on health and steps you can take to lose weight.  Your Online Source for Credible Health Information.

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