
What kinds of non-surgical treatments are available to treat Morbid Obesity?

What kinds of non-surgical treatments are available to treat Morbid Obesity?I'm a 24 year old college student who has not had health insurance since 2002. I currently go to Curves and I HAVE been watching my diet for the past six months, but so far haven't lost more than 15 pounds...

I do fall under the category of morbid obesity... extremely so. And surgery is just not an option. What other kinds of treatments are available for morbidly obese people? I'm pretty much willing to do just about anything diet-wise.

My biggest problem is the exercise. When I first stated going to curves, I loved it because it didn't put stress on my joints... but you're only supposed to go 4 times a week for a half an hour... and there's little to no cardio involved. You can burn a maximum of 800 calories in that half an hour... but 800 calories every other day just isn't doing it.

I need a program where I can burn more calories than I'm taking in... withOUT hurting my joints... 300 pounds and a jump rope is usually a bad combination... as is jogging.
Just a side note: Keep rude comments to yourself. Questions like this always tend to pull the fat-haters out of the woodwork and quite frankly, I don't want to hear about it.

I'm looking for honest, informed answers to help me get healthy again.

I'm not even concerned with a bikini body... I just want to be able to walk down the street without getting rude comments and food thrown at me out of car windows... which happens almost daily... Just one of the reasons why I don't like walking outside.

Pour Some Sugar On MEG
Maybe get on a more aggressive diet and exercise program... Eat a LOT less, and work out a LOT more. Run or jog a couple extra miles a day.

what's helped me stick to eating a small amount of calories per day is this website : http://caloriecount.about.com/

15 pounds is a good start don't get me wrong, but if that's all you've lost in 6 months with dieting and some exercise, maybe you should go to the doctor and have him or her check out your thyroid? if theres a problem there, you'll get medication to regulate it and you'll get some better results.

i've found elliptical machines to be very relaxing and comfortable on the joints. if you buy one, get it with an appriximate calories burned scale so that you know just how much you're getting rid of.

just some thoughts, hope they help :) good luck!

Catherine G
Okay here is what worked for me:

I only ate fruits and veggies except for one piece of meat the size of your palm and some steamed veggies (green bean are my fave) and DO NOT eat anything 3 hours before you go to bed. And that is it !!!!!!

Exercise: I spent 30 minutes cardio and 30 minutes weight lifting.

I went from a size 28 to a 18 and lost over a 100 pounds in a year.

I do not do all those cheat days cause to me when I do a cheat day it made it so much easier for me to go back to my old lifestyle. Plus fruit is sweet so it helps the sweet tooth days.

Good Luck!!!!!

Make sure you warm up/cool down and stretch, use heat/ice, and take NSAIDs like ibuprofen. You sound like you're doing a good job at the moment -- 15 lbs in 6 months is not terrible. Try these things along with a little patience and keep at it for a spell. Then, you should consider changing your exercise focus to something more joint-friendly like swimming.

Also, as you know weight = food - exercise. If you're doing all you can with the exercise consider consulting a professional dietitian for a balanced, low calorie diet to help you out with the other half of that equation?

If you have a community swimming pool, join one of the exercise swim classes on the days you don't go to curves. No stress on joints that way!!!

If you are up to walking, start out with a 10 - 15 minute walk and gradually add more time...not running or jogging! If you are obese, the effort of moving while you walk is using up calories. I had a dear friend who started out walking this way and got up to 3 miles a day. She was obese and got herself down to a normal weight and looks and feels terrific. It takes time, but know that it is better to go slow. She either walked with a friend or listened to music or books on tape (on CD's actually). She sometimes drove to a new location as well. Some place she wanted to go explore. Just keep moving.

Another idea is to listen to music you can dance to at home and do exercise to it. You don't need to go to a gym to do this. Just be a free spirit and MOVE to the music. Or just march in place for as long as you can.

Make sure you drink at least 6-8 glasses of water every day.

Glad you have chosen to be healthy. All the best!

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