
When Are Christians Going To Tackle Gluttony & Gossip With The Same Vigor And Outrage As They Do Gays?

When Are Christians Going To Tackle Gluttony & Gossip With The Same Vigor And Outrage As They Do Gays?Gluttony is a sin in their bible Prov 23:21, Ecces 10:18, Rom 13:13, Phil 3:19 and 1 Pet 4:3 It is afterall the chief cause of obesity in America. It kills MILLIONS of people a year from heart disease, diabetes, stroke, cancer and more. It is probably highly responsible for our current rising cost of health care. Childhood obesity is an epidemic in our country.

What about Gossip. The Apostle Peter listed gossipers and busybodies among the same group as murderers and theives in 1 Peter 4:15, other passages condemning gossip as sinful are Prov 11:13, Jam 4:11, 1 Tim 3:11 and 5:13 and 14.

Some Christians believe that what is a sin for them is an ethical and social ill for everyone (as only they have the absolute moral authority on everything). But no gay person has ever hurt ME or my family and most are productive members of society. Perhaps it is a sin for Christians but for wider society, there is no socio/ethical harm.

Unlike gossip and gluttony.

Your comments?
I agree that there is a difference between biblical and secular law.

NO harm that is way off....but i havent attacked anyone..

Hear, hear!

I think criticism is a much greater sin. It has the potential to destroy the person's spirit. Let's look for ways to build our brothers and sisters up instead of tearing them down.

This is the area of my life that God is working on me the most about. God sees gosip in the same way he does homosexualltiy

I can't count how many fat gossiping hens I saw when I used to go to church! And Fat Preachers too!

Believe it or not, not all of us have hissy's over gays. Personally, I've got enough of my own sins to deal with so can't be bothered throwing any stones at anyone else.

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Orignal From: When Are Christians Going To Tackle Gluttony & Gossip With The Same Vigor And Outrage As They Do Gays?

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