
Can sugar lead to any problems other than tooth decay and obesity?

Can sugar lead to any problems other than tooth decay and obesity?Two doctors I know (a researcher and a pediatrician) have just told me that, for children who are not overweight, sugar is completely harmless aside from its effect on the teeth (which can be solved by brushing). They let their very slim toddler eat as much chocolate, ice cream, and other sweets as he likes, since obesity is not an issue for him. In fact, they encourage him to eat these things, since in addition to sugar, the foods are high in fats, which they (perhaps correctly) believe he needs. I don't disagree with them about the fats (for a skinny toddler), but I thought sugar was bad. I thought it led to diabetes and perhaps other problems, but they say no, it doesn't. Obesity and genetics lead to diabetes, and without those things, there is no danger.

My worldview has totally been shifted. Should skinny people really eat all the sugar they want? Big bowlfuls? No problem?

Sugar does lead to diabetes.

Skinny people should still eat a balanced diet, including lots of fruit and vegetables. This is especially important in children, as the eating habits that they develop will stick with them for the rest of their lives.

If a child eats only sugar now, even though they are skinny at the moment, that does not mean that they will stay that way, especially if they have bad eating habits.

Genetics and obesity do play a major role in the development of diabetes, but a healthy well balanced diet can do amazing things to for your health.

I hope that if this is your toddler that you install in him good eating habits so he can grow up to be happy and healthy.

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