
Should fast food restaurants be held responsible for obesity?

Should fast food restaurants be held responsible for obesity?Before you say no, think of this: some people are gonna say that its the people's fault for going there and its not like fast food restaurants are putting a gun to your head and making you eat there. BUT...the companies are taking advantage of the lack of self-control ppl have and offereing a LARGE amount of quantity for a cheap price which makes ppl think that its a good idea...and because of this, fast food restaurants are indirectly forcing ppl to go there...so read this before you say no...

hell no
u don't have to go in2 the shop and but it
i don't

george 2
i read it and still say no. its about time people take their own blame for their actions and quit blaming everything and everybody else for their mistakes!!!

What kind of question is that? Have we not learned from the McDonald's lawsuit that the answer is no. Fat people are fat because they can't shut their mouths off every once in a while. If you are fat stop eating and do something worth while other than eating, get of the couch and ride bike or something.

no way they did not throw the food in ur mouth and make u swallow it and u can eat very well at fast food places and with low fat content

i admit i go to fast food restaurants sometimes even though i shouldn't, and i'll be the first to admit it's my own fault!

the only people i do have sympathy for are those living in poverty, surrounded by fast food restaurants. in situations like that, it's nearly impossible to avoid getting such cheap (but fat) food. the government should be looking out for these people and providing more resources for healthy food, but of course this won't happen

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